About Us

Whether you are entrepreneurs, merchants, individuals looking for an accompanying windfall; Fortune International is the safest and most reliable of solutions for you. It opens its lines to all person interested in joining through registrations according to different packs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a thriving African community by promoting healthy and secure nutrition, in accordance with the famous quote by Hippocrates, the father of medicine: 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.' We are also working to materialize the dreams and future projects from now on.

Our Assignement

Our mission is to create a community aging disease-free while securing their daily consumable products.



Achieve easily after three (03) months your dream of studying, doing an in-depth training abroad in universities of your choice.


Get real knowledge entrepreneurial through different training modules.


Get a market initial of more than 5,000 Consumers for the sale of your innovatives products.


Earn already, in six (06) months more than $ 6,000 for the launch, installation and the development of your project.


Get your first $10,000 car within three (03) months.


Get in six (06) months Your second $30,000 car.


Become a lifetime shareholder of an international platform with passive income ranging from XOF 100,000 to over XOF 1,000,000 per year.

Ours Packs

To join fortune we have 4 portals including 03 allowing you to directly access the system

Pack Fortune

The Fortune Pack, priced at $220 USD, is a great option for those who want to join the platform. It allows you to choose a product pack of your choice from the available options. This means that you can select products that match your interests or business niche.


Pack Entrepreneur

The Fortune Entrepreneur Pack, priced at $440 USD, offers an even more interesting opportunity. Like the Fortune Pack, it allows you to choose a product pack of your choice. Plus, it's designed for enterprising minds who want to get the most out of the platform.

You have the option to add your own products to the platform and market them. This gives you considerable flexibility to promote your products or services.

Pack VIP

The Fortune VIP Pack, priced at $1100, is the premium option. Like the previous packs, it allows you to choose a product pack of your choice. However, it offers considerable additional benefits.

In addition to the option to add your own products to the platform, you also become a 5% shareholder. This means that you have a financial interest in the success of the platform, which can be very lucrative in the long run.


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