Composed of Ganoderma Lucidium, amino acids, tritterpene
Pharmacological properties
Ganoderma Lucidium is a fungus that grows naturally in the woods. It enhances, regulates and activates the body's immune system, increases self-defense capacities against tumors and cancers. Promotes the proper functioning of the body, and effectively strengthens the immune system. It is an anticancer and antioxidant.
Amino acids are molecules that bind together to form proteins, macronutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body. It is also used to support certain functions such as immunity. Taurine, for example, is one of the amino acids known for its energizing properties.
Triterpenes have hormonal and immumodulating potentialities (especially lanostanes, cucurbitanes, oleananes). Some have anti-cancer properties.
Can be used to prevent and treat the following diseases: